Playlist Creator 3.6.1 supports the powerful open-source library MediaInfo. Thus a reliable readout of tags in combination with a very high processing speed is guaranteed. The user can choose if the program should readout tags and which data exactly should be extracted from the tags. Furthermore you can create dynamic titles using simple variables. Then...
You can add files of any file type to the playlist. After installation of the program you’ll find many predefined file types. If the desired file type is missing you can easily add new file types to the list.
For compatibility with a wide variety of hardware and software Playlist Creator 3.6.1 can create playlists either in PLS-format or M3U-format.
What’s New in version 3.6.1 from Playlist Creator 3.6.1 :
New: Added Vista compatible application icon
Changed: New look and feel for the displayed message boxes
Changed: Minor changes of look and feel of update check dialog
Changed: Integrated latest MediaInfoDLL (v0.7.22)
Fixed: Folder selection dialog is not working (Windows 7)
Fixed: When adding items via drag and drop the items are not inserted in correct alphabetical order
Fixed: No hand cursor is displayed when hovering links (Windows Vista, 7)
Fixed: During uninstall the start menu items aren’t deleted (Windows Vista, 7)
Fixed: Links in about dialog are not displayed correctly with activated ClearType or high DPI settings
File size just 1.43 MB. Interest ? click here fo free download Playlist Creator 3.6.1.
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