Beberapa kelebihannya yaitu :
01. GGClient is now known as Garena! (Global Arena)
02. Support Call of Duty 4 Now.
03. Improved Networking Mechanism.
04. Added multi language support for updater
05. Dynamic Room update implemented. Now you won't see
auto update for adding rooms.
06. Added new user type for senior streamer.
07. Fixed Icon display bug.
08. Fixed room announcement display bug.
09. Fixed minor issue with settings.
10. Fixed the GGTV viewing bug where CPU might go high.
If you still experience disconnection from GGTV at the
beginning, Click on GGTV Player and try again.
11. Fixed the bug where room chat auto scroll down when
people talk.
12. Fixed various small bugs
Tertarik ?
klik disini untuk download Garena.
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