Ni saya punya update dari AVG AntiVirus Free 8.5.420a1708 .Kalau yang belum tahu keunggulan dari AV ini, saya tulis dibawah :
- Automatic update functionality
- The AVG Resident Shield, which provides real-time protection as files are opened and programs are run
- The AVG E-mail Scanner, which protects your e-mail
- The AVG On-Demand Scanner, which allows the user to perform scheduled and manual tests
- Free Virus Database Updates for the lifetime of the product
- AVG Virus Vault for safe handling of infected files
- Great customer satisfaction!
Size: | 68.10MB |
Publisher: | Visit Website |
Release Date: | 2009-10-04 |
Submit Date: | 2009-10-04 |
OS: | Win 2000/XP/2003/Vista |
Downloads: | 782433 |
Tertarik download AVG AntiVirus Free 8.5.420a1708 ? Klik disini untuk download.
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maaf teman2, blog saya error, saya juga ga tau, kalu buka laman utama dar kok sidebarnya turun semua....... ada yang tau???
its free but slow...